How do I trigger with Spotler Activate an automation in Spotler Mail+?

Squeezely is now Spotler Activate. It is therefore possible that Squeezely is still visible in some places, while Spotler Activate is also mentioned in other places.

You can trigger automated campaigns in Spotler Mail+ from een external system by using the External trigger in the Automations module. This also applies when you want to use data from Spotler Activate to trigger an automated campaign.

An external trigger code for your external system

When you want to trigger an automated campaign through een external system, you will need an external trigger. This works as follows: 

  1. Go to the Automations module.
  2. Click on the button New automation.
  3. Give your automation a name.
  4. In step 2, select a Blank template or select a template that was made in advance, such as the Abandoned cart template.


  5. Click on the Edit button in step 3.
  6. If there is no pre-set trigger: drag the trigger External trigger on the canvas. 
  7. Click on the trigger. You can find the settings of the External trigger on the left hand side.


  8. You need the code to trigger the campaign in your external system. Change the name of the label if desired and click on OK. 
  9. Set up the rest of the campaign. Change the status of the automation to Final. Lastly, publish the automation. 

Would you like to learn more about the Automations module in Spotler Mail+? Click here for an introduction to Automations.