There are two possibilities as to why the personalization is not shown:
Incorrect settings
To exclude settings, you can temporarily set personalization so that the only condition is that the URL contains a certain parameter that only you use. For example:
URL contains: mypersotest
Then add this to the page you wish to test, for example:
Does the personalization then appear? Then check all your settings and look up your profile to see if it qualifies.
Incorrect query selector
A common cause for not seeing personalization is that our tracker cannot find your specified query selector. Possible problems:
- The element loads slower than our tracker.
- Your HTML structure varies by device or browser.
- You are using a query selector that depends on too many elements.
The latter scenario mainly occurs when using the automatic query selector, for example:
Automatic queryselector:
Manual queryselector:
How do I manually find the correct ID or class
If the automatic query selector does not work properly, you can manually select an element on the website using, for example, the Chrome inspector.
- To activate it, first press F12 on your keyboard and then click with your mouse on the icon as shown in the image:
- Hold your mouse at the desired location where you want to modify the element. In this example, the name of the element is: div.hs-buttons-box