Why does my personalization show different language products than my product set filter

Regardless of your product set language filter, personalization determines which language to use for products based on the following order:

Language of (last) event → Language of product in event → HTML language → Store default language

This is how its works:

  • Language of (last) event → If personalization is triggered based on an event, such as addToCart, and this event is sent with a language, the personalization selects products in that specific language. It uses the language of the last(previous) event, not the current one.
  • Language of product in event → If personalization is triggered based on an event with product data, such as viewContent. The personalization will use the language of the item in that event.
  • HTML language → Uses the language of the lang attribute in the HTML tag in your source code. Note: the "Use HTML language for personalizations" has to be activated in the merchant settings.
  • Store default language → Uses the default language of the merchant.