360˚ profiles

Spotler Activate revolves around tracking and collecting data based on behaviours of individual profiles. So it’s important for us to understand how a profile is created, how we identify a profile and what data we can extract from a profile in the 360 module.

Getting your cookie

First it’s important to understand that profiles are just website users (mostly). When the Spotler Activate tracker is loaded a sqzllocal cookie is placed alongside it. This immidiately clues you in on the fact, without going into too much detail, that the cookie on the website needs to be accepted first. Once the cookie is accepted and the tracker and cookie are placed this immidiately is a identifyable profile. Let’s have a look at how we can find our cookie on a website with our script.

Chrome Steps



URL extra parameter


Javascript Function to bookmark

javascript:(function(){prompt('hier is je koekje', ((name) => {const parts = `; ${document.cookie}`.split(`; ${name}=`); if (parts.length >= 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift();})('sqzllocal'));})()

Inside the 360 profile

Search a profile

In the 360° profile, all data about a person is stored. A person can be both a known customer and an unknown website visitor.

Search profile.png

In the search bar you can search a profile with the following variables:

  • Email
  • E-mail hash: a hashed value of the e-mail address
  • Cookie an online identifier
  • Userid
  • Contact ID


The following data are kept in the profile:

Profile data

The properties and product sets of profiles are stored as profile data. The properties are data fields of profiles that can be overwritten with new values. The product sets are products that have been put together for profiles based on interactions or patterns.

Example property

When a profile moves, the data field 'city' can be overwritten with the new city of the profile.

Example product set

When a profile puts two products in the shopping cart, these products will be added to the product sets 'Added to Cart'.


Contact info

In the contact info, the following (if any) are data fields stored:

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Gender
  • Birthdate
  • Zipcode
  • City
  • Country
  • Currency

Product sets
In Spotler Activate the standard product sets are automatically created. It is also possible to compose your own product sets. Of each product set, the first four products will be shown. Read more about this subject in the article: Product sets.

Other fields
The other fields are the data fields which Squeezely adds to the profile based on the collected Data. Read more about this in the article: Data & What are profile, product and event fields?


Consent is the permission a profile has given for storing cookies and sending emails. By clicking on 'Consent Log' you can see the historical consent changes of the profile.

In Spotler activate, you can track three types of consent for sending emails:

  • Service: permission to send emails based on a purchase. In the Purchase event it's recommended to include service consent.
  • Newsletter: permission to send emails based on an opt-in. In the event it is EmailOptIn event it is recommended to include newsletter consent.
  • Marketing: permission to share data with third parties (Facebook, Google, etc.) based on the email address.


In Spotler Activate you can handle cookie consent in two ways:

  • Simple consent
  • Multilevel consent Levels

More information about the consensus levels can be found in the article: How to manage User Consent in Spotler Activate?


External identifiers

The identifiers linked to the profile. For example, the profile can be linked to multiple cookies and identifiers of the ESP.

External identifiers.png

Event data

Event data are the events that triggered a profile. Events are events such as viewing a product or adding products to the shopping cart. In the profile, the event data is displayed under the Events tab. The events are displayed with the following information:

Event data.png

  • Event ID: The ID of the event, clicking on it reveals more information about the event.
  • Created: The date and time the event was received in Spotler Activate.
  • ContactID: The ID of the profile that triggered the event.
  • Event: The event that triggered the profile.
  • API inserted: The indicator of whether information has been added from the API.

Journey data

Journey data are the journeys to which a profile has been added. In the profile, the journey data is displayed under the Journeys tab. The journeys are displayed with the following information:
Journey data.png

  • Journey ID: The ID of the journey, clicking on it will take you to that journey.
  • Name: The name of the journey to which the profile has been added.
  • Status: The status of the profile in the journey.
  • Contact ID:The ID of the profile added to the journey.

Automation data

Automation data are the automations that a profile has triggered in an email block of a journey. In the profile, the automation data is displayed under the Automations tab. The automations are displayed with the following information:
Automation data.png

  • Created at: The date and time the automation was triggered in Spotler Activate.
  • Contact ID: The ID of the profile that triggered the automation.
  • Campaign/Journey ID: The journey in which the automation was triggered.
  • Buffer endtime: The buffer time for sending automation.
  • Handled: The handling status of automation.
  • Sent: The send status of the automation.
  • Channel: The channel the automation was sent to.

Audience data

Audience data are the audiences to which a profile belongs. In the profile, the audiences of the profile are displayed under the Audiences tab. The audiences are displayed with the following information:

  • ID: The ID of the audience, clicking on it will take you to that audience.
  • Audience: Audience name.
  • Contact ID: The ID of the profile belonging to the audience.
  • Retention expiry: The date and time until which the profile belongs to the audience.
  • Event: The event that led to audience participation.