What are profile, product and event fields?

Data fields are stored in Spotler Activate as profile or event fields. On the Data page a default set of data fields are available. Custom fields can be created to store special data, possible for both event and profile fields. On the Data page you will find a Fields overview. If the field has a green check mark it is a profile field. Does the field not have a green check mark, then it is an event field. The product array also belongs to the event fields.

Fields 4.png

Profile fields

Profile fields, unlike event fields, override the values in the profile data. Profile fields are stored with the event. The following fields are profile fields:

Profile Fields in Spotler Activate

Field label in event

Field content in event

Email email Text  
Email hash (SHA256) email   Note: the parameter email hash should be sent under the field email
First name firstname Text  
Last name lastname Text  
Gender gender M or male, F or female, U or unknown Note: use of m, f or u as field contents mandatory for gender interpretation!
Birthdate birthdate Date (YYYY-MM-DD or DD-MM-YYYY)  
Phone phone Number including '-' and '+ Number including '-' and '+
Zip code zip Code Text Please note that the use of the postal code as field label is mandatory for the interpretation of the zip code
City city Text  
Country country Text Attention: use two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 mandatory (examples: NL/BE/DE)
Currency currency Text Attention: use currency code according to ISO 4217 mandatory (examples: EUR/USD/GBP)
Newsletter newsletter yes (with optin), no (with optout) Attention: do not send this field if unknown (so do not send undefined or unknown)
Service service yes (with optin), no (with optout) Note: do not send this field if unknown (so do not send undefined or unknown)
Marketing marketing yes (with optin), no (with optout) Note: do not send this field if unknown (so do not send undefined or unknown)
External user ID userid Number  
Mobile advertiser ID mobile_advertiser_ID Number  
Checkin (from event) checkin_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Travel option: each event with checkin_date overwrites the last value in the profile
Nights (from event) checkout_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Travel option: each event with checkin_date and checkout_date will be processed in Spotler Activate to become nights
Checkin (from order) checkin_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Travel option: any Purchase with checkin_date overwrites the last value in the profile
Nights (from order) checkout_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Travel option: any Purchase with checkin_date and checkout_date is processed in Spotler Activate to become nights

Example: event with profile field

A profile subscribes to the newsletter with the email address stan@email.nl. This will result in the following:

  • Event: EmailOptIn
  • Data fields:
    • Email = stan@email.nl
    • Newsletter = yes
  • In Spotler Activate:
    • Add EmailOptIn event to event data from profile
    • Add email address stan@email.nl to profile data
    • Change newsletter consent to yes in profile data

Event fields

Event fields are stored with the event. The name of the event is also an event field. The following fields are event fields:

Field label in event

Field content in event

orderid Number Reference number of order
campaign Text The ID of the campaign. Is this in the url of your landing page as variable sqzl_campaign or utm_campaign? Then you can leave it out.
source Text The source of the profile. Is it in the url of your landing page as variable sqzl_source or utm_source? Then you can leave it out.
keyword Text  
category_id Id of category  
objectname Name of category  
timestamp Timestamp of the event Please note that this field is only usable for API Calls and is used for past events. Allowed formats: unix epocht timestamp or yyyy-mm-dd
event_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Please note that this field is only usable for importing a CSV and is used for past events.
totalvalue Number Overrides the total value of the purchase, otherwise it is product price x number.

Product array

The product array also belongs to the event fields. Based on the product id in the product array, the link is made to the SKU of the product in Spotler Activate. In the product array the following fields can be sent along:

Product array in event

Field label in product array

Field content in product array

Products id Unique ID or SKU Note: mandatory field in product array
language Language of interaction with product in ISO-639+ ISO-3166 Attention: use language according ISO-639+ ISO-3166 mandatory (examples: nl-NL/nl-BE/en-US/de-DE)
name Name of the product in text Attention: use of 2 decimals and a point (instead of a comma) is mandatory
price Price of single product in numbers  
quantity Number of product in numbers  
category_ids JSON array of product categories  

Product array with only product id:

Product array 1.png

Product array with multiple values:

Product array 2.png

Example: event with event field

A profile is viewing a product. This produces the following:

  • Event: ViewContent
  • Data fields:
    • Product array with id of viewed product
  • In Spotler Activate:
    • Add ViewContent event to event data from profile
      • In event the viewed product id is shown