With the Deployteq link you can synchronise data between Spotler Activate and the Email Service Provider (ESP) Deployteq. Through this connection, audiences, profiles, triggers, and product sets from Spotler Activate can be sent to Deployteq.
By completing the full implementation, email addresses and newsletter consents are synchronised once between Deployteq and Spotler Activate. After establishing the link, the following data will be synchronised:
- Email addresses: new email addresses will be synchronized realtime from Spotler Activate to Deployteq (but not vice versa)
- Consent: changes to newsletter consents are synchronized in real time from Spotler Activate to Deployteq (but not vice versa)
- Profile fields: with every API call, profile fields are sent from Spotler Activate to Deployteq
Activate the Deployteq connector
Implementing Deployteq consists of:
- Establishing the Deployteq link
- Importing email addresses from Deployteq
- Synchronizing profiles to Deployteq
- Mapping profile fields in Deployteq
- Synchronizing email opt-in
Establishing a link
- Login to Deployteq and click on 'Store'.
- Click on the Spotler Activate App and then on 'Install'.
- After installation, the Spotler Activate App will show an API token. Copy the API token.
- Go to Apps > Deployteq in Spotler Activate. Paste the copied token in the field 'API token'
Next go back to Deployteq, where you will see the following confirmation:
In the next step you can add email_hash as a parameter to all links, so the visitors are immediately recognized when landing on your website from the mail.
Always use a private browser while testing
Please note: When using the testing possibilities with real customer data in Deployteq, the links in your test mails will have the email hash of the customer. This can conclude in a merge with your cookie, so test in another (private) browser or delete your cookies before and after your tests to prevent unusual activity on the profile.
When all steps are completed the connection has been completed. Via the connection, new e-mail addresses and changes to newsletter consents are synchronized between Spotler Activate and Deployteq. This does not apply to email addresses that already exist in Deployteq or Spotler Activate at the time of linking!
Importing email addresses
To import existing email addresses from Deployteq, the following should be done:
- In Deployteq, export a CSV file containing all email addresses and their consent
- Import the CSV file in Spotler Activate via Data > CRM Import.
Synchronizing profiles
To synchronize profiles from Spotler Activate to Deployteq, the following Advanced Audience is required:
The profiles will be synchronised to Deployteq based on the email address. The profiles that don't yet exist in Deployteq will be created.
In Deployteq, go to the Spotler Activate app. Click on 'View logs'. Find a log with type 'customers' and click on the information icon. Click on 'RAW Data' to view the synchronized data of the profile:
Mapping profile fields
From Spotler Activate, RAW data fields of profiles are sent to Deployteq with API calls. In order to save the RAW data fields in Deployteq, they need to be mapped to Deployteq fields. Subsequently, you can process these fields in templates.
In the example below, the Email hash from Spotler Activate is mapped to email_hash in Deployteq.
In the Deployteq Store, go to the Spotler Activate app. Select 'Customize data mapping'.
Double click on the end point Customers.
Click on the '+' icon under 'Connected fields.
Open 'Root' → '0' → 'Custom Fields' → '0'. Find the column 'value' and click on the '+' icon. Open in the menu on the right the tab 'customer' or 'customer option' (for the example 'customer option' will be opened because in this folder is email_hash). Select 'email_hash'. Find the filter (see line 3 in example).
Custom fields are send with a name and a value. As an example the email hash has been mapped by default to an environment field in Deployteq. So open 'Root' → '0' → 'Custom Fields' → and find the email_hash, which is mostly found in ‘0’. Click on the ‘+’ on the right-hand side to open the data fields of Deployteq. Expand the custom options on the right and select the field you want to save the email hash in. For saving the correct field, you’ll need to change the path to filter, see below:
Change the first value of '0' to 'Wildcard.
Change the third value of 'Wildcard' to 'Filter'.
Select 'name' as 'Filter field. Enter the name of the field (in this case email_hash). Check the 'select specific match' checkbox. Click on 'OK'.
In this example, the email hash is now stored in customer option field E1:
To map more RAW Data fields, you can repeat the above steps.
The mapped profile fields can be processed as parameters in templates of Deployteq. In this way, you can, for example, automatically load the e-mail hash for each e-mail address. A profile field can be processed in a template as follows:
{{customer_option field= 'fieldname'}}
Where the field name is the name in Deployteq of the field in question
For the email hash from the example above, this field would look like this:
{{customer_option field= 'E1'}}
For recognizing email addresses , you can incorporate the above into the HTML of a template as follows:
<a href="https://squeezely.tech?email={{customer_option field='E1'}}" alt="click" target="_blank">link</a>
The template fills in the e-mail hash parameter from field E1.
Synchronizing email opt-in
You can send the consent changes from Deployteq to Spotler Activate with a Deployteq Campaign. You do need to configure this in Deployteq with a standard campaign that sends the information with a HTTP-request object to Spotler Activate.
First, import Campaign Template in Deployteq: for a quick implementation we prepared a Campaign Template you can import in Deployteq. Download the Spotler Activate campaign here. In Deployteq, go to Campaigns and choose “Campaign Import”. Import the file you just downloaded.
Next, configure the campaign in Deployteq. You need to configure the 2 HTTP-request objects to your own Spotler Activate settings. You will need the API details of your Spotler Activate account. You can find these in the Spotler Activate settings. Please note that the API key is only visible once. Make sure you safe the key in a secure way.
In Deployteq, open the object 'POST optout'. Fill in the Spotler Activate account ID at X-AUTH-ACCOUNT. Fill in the Spotler Activate API key at X-AUTH-APIKEY. Repeat this for the object 'POST optin'. Save your campaign in Deployteq and click “Start Campaign”. Every five minutes the changed opt-ins will be send to Spotler Activate from Deployteq.
Audiences & Profiles
From Spotler Activate, API calls are sent with updates of Spotler Activate Audiences to Deployteq. To save the Audience id's in Deployteq, they need to be mapped to Deployteq fields. Next, you can easily segment the profiles in Deployteq based on the Spotler Activate Audience id's.
Mapping Audience ID's
You can view the updates of audience id's as follows: in Deployteq, go to the Spotler Activate App. Click on 'View logs'. Find a log with the type 'segments' and click on the information icon. Click on 'RAW Data' to view the synchronized data of the profile. Before saving the audience id's they need to be mapped correctly in Deployteq. This mapping can be set via a so called 'layout'.
In the example below, the Audience id's are mapped to the datamodel table “squeezely_segments” in Deployteq. In the Deployteq Store, go to the Spotler Activate App. Select 'Customize data mapping'. Double click on the End point 'segments'. Click on the field you want to change, or to add a mapping click on the '+' icon under 'Connected fields'.
Change the first value from '0' to 'Wildcard'. In the data model of Deployteq, the audience id's are stored in the table 'Spotler Activate_segments'.
The audience id's can be used in Deployteq by navigating to 'profiles' in the left menu of Deployteq. Create a new profile, select squeezely_segments 'id' and fill in the audience id you want to match. Add squeezely_segments 'active', select 'yes' to select the profiles that are currently in the audience.
In the Audience Builder, you can send Audiences to Deployteq by selecting Deployteq as Channel. For the profiles in the audience, Spotler Activate sends two API calls to Deployteq:
- Customers: this API call sends the profile fields of the profile to Deployteq. Before saving these fields, they need to be mapped.
- Segments: with this API call the audience status of the profile is sent to Deployteq.
When a profile is added to an existing audience (which is linked to Deployteq), Spotler Activate sends the API calls 'Customers' and 'Segments' to Deployteq. When a profile is removed from an audience, Spotler Activate only sends the API call 'Segments'.
You can view the API call in Deployteq as follows: In Deployteq, go to the Spotler Activate app Click on 'View logs'. You can view the API Call by clicking on the information icon.
In this overview you will see the following in the segments array:
- Id: the id of the audience in Spotler Activate
- Name: the name of the audience
- Updated_at: the time of the update
- Active: the audience status of the profile:
- Y: the profile is part of the audience
- N: the profile is no longer part of the audience
The Squeezely audience ID can be used in Deployteq to select audiences. In the audience overview of Spotler Activate, you can find the audience ID. In Deployteq, you can then separate profiles by using squeezely_segments as a condition. In the object you can enter the Audience ID of Squeezely as a value.
Triggers & Productsets
In the Journeys > Journey Builder, you can send triggers to Deployteq using the action Email. In the E-mail trigger you can set the following:
- Trigger: the trigger in Deployteq. A trigger is only visible in the Journey Builder when it's created in Deployteq.
- Products: the product set which is sent along with the trigger. How can I process the RSS feed in an e-mail?
To select a trigger in the Journey Builder, you need to create an endpoint and campaign in Deployteq.
Create endpoint
In the Deployteq Store, go to the Spotler Activate app Select 'Customize data mapping'. Select '+ Add new mapping'. Give the trigger a name, select the option 'End point' and click 'OK. Go to Triggers and open the 'End point' by double clicking on it Click on the '+' icon under 'Connected fields. Select an action in the menu on the right. Open the tab 'layouts' and select 'include_trigger.
For adding product sets: Click on 'Refresh data Add 'include products' to the second line.
Create a campaign
Create a campaign in Deployteq In the campaign editor, add the object 'Start on Spotler Activate. Double click on the object Change the name of the object to the desired name (this is also the name you can select in the mailnode in the Spotler Activate journey). Select under 'Type' the created endpoint that should trigger the campaign in Deployteq.
In Deployteq, go to the Activate App, click on 'View logs'. You can view the API Call by clicking on the information icon. In this overview you will see on the left side the profile fields and the product set (under 'products') that are sent along with the trigger. On the right side, you can see the triggered campaigns in Deployteq based on the trigger.
For the profiles that reach the Email trigger and meet the conditions, Spotler Activate sends an API Call to Deployteq. With this API call, a trigger is sent for the profile and possibly the product set of the profile is sent along.
How can I check if a trigger has been send to the connector?