Connector: Spotler Mail+

With the integration with Spotler Mail+ you can synchronize your data between Spotler Activate and the Email Service Provider (ESP) Spotler Mail+. With this integration you can send audiences, profiles, triggers and product sets from Spotler Activate to Spotler Mail+.

When the full integration is finished a one-time synchronization of all email addresses and consents will start between Spotler Mail+ and Spotler Activate. Simultaneously the standard profile fields and the product catalog will be synchronized from Spotler Activate to Spotler Mail+. The following data will be synchronized when the integration is complete:

  • Email addresses: new email addresses are send real-time from Spotler Activate to Spotler Mail+. When new email addresses are created in Spotler Mail+, they will be send daily to Spotler Activate (so there is some lag)
  • Consent: changes in consent will be send real-time form Squeezley to Spotler Mail+. When the consent status changes in Spotler Mail+, they will be send daily to Spotler Activate. Note! Do not change the description of the Permissions ('Nieuwsbrief'). If it’s changed the consent will not be synchronized anymore.
  • Profile fields: with every API call the standard profile fields from Spotler Activate will be send and saved in Spotler Mail+. Spotler Activate has an hourly import to get the profile fields from Spotler Mail+.
  • Product fields: the products and standard product fields are synced from Spotler Activate to Spotler Mail+ with every product import. If you want to sync the custom product fields form Spotler Mail+, you can best read the following.
  • Creating custom product fields in Spotler Mail+
  • Spotler Mail+ Forms

Activate the Spotler Mail+ connector

The implementation of Spotler Mail+ in your Spotler Activate account will include setting up the connection with Spotler Mail+, the synchronization of the profiles to Spotler Mail+, and if necessary the mapping of custom fields in Spotler Mail+.

Step 1: Setting up the connection

Login in your Spotler Mail+ account and go to Settings > Integrations > Configurations. Add a new authentication and select whether you want a new field or have an existing field to map the external ID of the contacts. Copy the values of ‘Authentication Key’ and ‘Authentication Secret’ from your newly set up REST API.

In Spotler Activate, go to Apps, click on the Spotler Mail+ app and paste the copied values in the fields ‘REST API Key' and 'REST Secret Key’.

The connection is now completed. Spotler Activate will now do a one-time import with all the existing email addresses from Spotler Mail+. Through the connection the changes in email addresses and consents will be synced from Spotler Mail+ to Spotler Activate once a day. From Spotler Activate the product catalog will be synced to Spotler Mail+ once a day. The consent changes from Spotler Activate to Spotler Mail+ will be synced real-time.

Step 2: Mapping custom profile fields

The default profile fields in Spotler Activate are saved automatically in Spotler Mail+, except for the email hash. To save the email hash and custom profile fields, you need to map these to the Spotler Mail+ fields. The mapped fields can also be used in the templates of Spotler Mail+.

The profile fields from Spotler Activate are saved by default in Spotler Mail+ with the following mapping.

Spotler Activate profile field

Spotler Mail+ field

Birthdate Date of birth
City City
Customer Phase Spotler Activate - Customer Phase
Email Email Address
Fav. Category 1 Spotler Activate - Fav. Category 1
Fav. Category 2 Spotler Activate - Fav. Category 2
Fav. Category 3 Spotler Activate - Fav. Category 3
Spotler Activate - Fav. Category 1 Spotler Activate - Favorite Brand
First Name First Name
Gender Gender
Last Name Last Name
Last purchase date Spotler Activate - Last purchase date
Last visit date Spotler Activate - Last visit date
Phone Phone
Postal Code Postcode
Syncing (custom) profile fields

From Spotler Activate the default profile fields are automatically synced to Spotler Mail+, with the exception of the email hash. To save the email hash and the custom profile fields, you need to map the Spotler Activate fields to the fields in Spotler Mail+.

To sync the other way around, the fields can also be saved to Spotler Activate from Spoter, by an hourly import.

When the steps below are followed in both platforms, you’ll have a complete synchronization of the profiles. So when a (custom) profile field is changed in either Spotler Activate or Spotler Mail+, the mapped profile data will be send by the next API call from Spotler Activate to Spotler Mail+ of with the next hourly import from Spotler Mail+ to Spotler Activate.

Preparation in Spotler Mail+ for the custom profile fields
If the connection is complete, Spotler Activate can get all the visible fields in Spotler Mail+ and shows them in the field mapping interface. You can create or edit the visible fields by following the next steps:

In Spotler Mail+, go to Settings > Settings. Go to ‘Database fields’. Click on ‘Change Visibility'. Once this is changed and saved, the field will be available to map in the Spotler Mail+ app in Spotler Activate. 

Compatibility of data types
Both systems have different data types and not every type is compatible with another. This is by design, so the literal value can be synced. Otherwise you could have a potential data loss. When mapped correctly, there is nothing to worry about.

Type in Spotler Activate

Type in Spotler Mail+

Text Text, Zip Code, items from the set ‘Permissions’
Date Date
Number Int

You should also take the following into account when mapping fields:

  • Our default mapping cannot be changed, including the default permissions, like newsletters.
  • Custom permissions can be used with a custom text field in Spotler Activate and a new item within the ‘Permissions’ in Spotler Mail+.
  • When a certain type in Spotler Mail+ is not available in your account, you can contact their support team.
  • Changing the data type for an existing field, can result in data loss.

Mapping custom profile fields in Spotler Activate
The mapping of custom profile fields can be done by following the next steps. In Spotler Activate, go to Apps > Spotler Mail+ Channel Settings. Scroll to ‘Field Mapping’ in these settings. 

In this view you see the fields that are synchronized between Spotler Activate and Spotler Mail+. On the left side you see the name of the custom field in Spotler Activate, on the right side you can select the visible fields in Spotler Mail+.

  • Select the matching fields in Spotler Mail+.
  • Click ‘Save Channel’
  • Save the created Audience for synching profiles to Spotler Mail+

The synchronization of all the profiles and the mapped fields between Spotler Mail+ and Spotler Activate is now complete.

Step 3: Syncing profiles

Create an Advanced audience with the the rule E-mail equals Has e-mail:

Mailp 2.png

The profiles will be send to Spotler Mail+, based on the email address. Profiles that do not exist in Spotler Mail+, will be created.

Audiences & Profiles

In the Audience Builder you can send Audiences to Spotler Mail+ by adding Spotler Mail+ as a Channel:

MailP 3.png

For the profiles that are added to the audience Spotler Activate sends two API calls to Spotler Mail+:

  • Contacts: with this API call the profile fields are send to Spotler Mail+ and saved in contacts om Spotler Mail+. For saving custom profile fields, you need to map these first.
  • Dynamic lists: with this API call the audiences are send to Spotler Mail+. Note! When you delete an audience in Spotler Activate, it will remain in Spotler Mail+. This is by the design of Spotler Mail+. Automated deletion has no way to check if you are using the specific audience, which is why Spotler Mail+ decided not to let Spotler Activate delete the audiences.

Triggers & Product sets

In the Journey Builder you can send triggers to Spotler Mail+ with the email node. In the email trigger you need to configure the next items:

MailP 4.png

  • Trigger: the campaign or automation that needs to be triggered
  • Products: the product set which will be sent with the trigger
  • Campaign Fields: if available, Spotler Activate will also send the campaign fields of the Journey entry event
What are campaign fields and how do I configure these?

It is possible to add extra personalization fields in the campaign message in Spotler Mail+. These will be filled by Spotler Activate in stead of Spotler Mail+. Spotler Mail+ has called these fields ‘campaign fields’.

With the usage of Spotler Activate you can add the the fields of the journey entry event as campaign fields to Spotler Mail+. These are fields like;


How do the campaign fields work?
In your message or template in Spotler Mail+ you can add placeholders of the fields, so you can determine where and what information needs to be shown.

For example:

Order ID: [campaignfield:visit_orderid]
First name: [campaignfield:visit_firstname]
Shoe size: [campaignfield:visit_custom_shoesize]

An advantage of using the campaign fields is that you don’t save the data in the Spotler Mail+ database. When you send the email the fields will be filled with the API data from the trigger form Spotler Activate. This will make sure you always have the last data for that campaign available and don’t overwrite previous data.

The placeholder names can be added to a message by adding [campaignfield:name], where ‘name’ is the name of the field.

Note: In a message you can add multiple campaign fields. There are three conditions:

  • The campaign field name needs to be unique
  • The campaign field name cannot have spaces
  • The campaign field name is case sensitive

Note: The campaign is only visible in the Journey Builder when it is published in Spotler Mail+.

Note: The default product sets of Spotler Activate, the language of the account determines the language for the product set in Spotler Mail+

The profiles that reach the email trigger in the journey and meet the set condition, will be send to Spotler Mail+ with an API call:

  • Spotler Activate Trigger: with this API call a trigger for a Spotler Mail+ campaign or automation is send for the profile with, if necessary, the configured product set.

Add email hash to links in emails

In the profile filed email_hash is the encrypted version of the email address saved. In Spotler Mail+, go to Settings >Integrations > Webanalytics. Select ‘Extra parameters’ and change the status to ‘active’. Click on ‘Edit’ and configure the following:

MailP 5.png

The email hash will be added to the URL’s of all yout campaigns, like{email_hash}

Product fields

The product fields from Spotler Activate are saved by default in Spotler Mail+ with the following mapping.

Spotler Activate product field

Spotler Mail+ field

SKU (with language code) SKU
Name Product name
Description Description
Url Link
Brand Brand
Price (or Sale Price when available) Price
Language Language

Spotler Mail+ Forms

If you want to send Spotler Mail+ Forms data to Spotler Mail+ Activate, you can do so with our Spotler Mail+ Forms Webhook. Go to Apps and click on the Spotler Mail+ App. Copy the address of the webhook url here to capture the Spotler Mail+ Form fields.

Apply the webhook in a POST Request in Spotler Mail+: How do I set up a POST request for a form?